World’s Shortest Street: Ebenezer Place

World’s Shortest Street: Ebenezer Place

Ebenezer Place is officially the shortest street in the world. Located in Wick, Scotland, Ebenezer Place is 6 feet 9 inches long and is officially recorded as being located between Union and River Streets. The street has one address – the front door of the Number One Bistro, a restaurant in the Mackays Hotel. The street has been officially recognized as the shortest street in the world, taking over the previous record holder...

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Smallest dog in the world: Milly

Smallest dog in the world: Milly

Milly the Chihuahua is the newest record holder for the Smallest Dog in the World. Measuring at only 3.8 inches high and weighing just one pound, this tiny dog can easily fit into the palm of your hand. In comparison, Milly is smaller in length than a dollar bill or a chocolate bar. Born in December 2011, Milly was so small at birth that she could fit into a teaspoon. Her mouth was so tiny that she had to be fed every two hours by...

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The largest brick-built bridge in the world: Goltzsch Viaduct

The largest brick-built bridge in the world: Goltzsch Viaduct

The Goltzsch Viaduct (Göltzschtalbrücke) is the largest brick built bridge in the world. This magnificent bridge is used as a train bridge and is used to connect the areas of Saxony and Bavaria in Germany. Built using the Roman “arch over arch” design, known as vaults, the bridge consists of 98 vaults in four layers. The largest vault is 101 feet across and is in the middle of the bridge. The bridge is 1,883 feet long, 75...

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The smallest stop motion film: A Boy and his Atom

The smallest stop motion film: A Boy and his Atom

Titled “A Boy and his Atom,” the World’s Smallest Stop Motion Film has been awarded to a film that is only 45 x 25 nanometers in size. Created by engineers at IBM in California, the film was created using a copper sheet and carbon monoxide molecules. The molecules were moved into place using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope which has a very fine metal tip and moves each molecule with an electric charge. The stop...

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Largest planes in the world

Largest planes in the world

There are so many different types of planes that establishing the Worlds Largest Plane needed to be divided into five categories. The following five planes are classified as the largest in their specific category. Largest Plane In The World – All Planes The distinction for the world largest plane goes to the Antonov An-225 Mirya. This plane was a design of the Soviet Union in the 1980’s and was constructed in the Ukraine. The name...

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