World’s smallest movie theater

World’s smallest movie theater

Noted for its books of record breaking people, events and many other facts, the World Record Academy has recorded many things as the “biggest” or the “smallest” in the world. Recently, Reginald Harding of Sheldon, Birmingham entered this list as the owner of the smallest movie cinema with all professional equipment. There are quite a few interesting facts about Mr. Harding’s cinema. He built it in his own...

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The smallest woman: Jyoti Amge

The smallest woman: Jyoti Amge

The current world cord for smallest woman currently belongs to Jyoti Amge. Miss Amge became the smallest woman on record after her 18th birthday on December 16, 2001. Prior to that time, she was registered as the smallest teen in the world. Jyoti Amge was born in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India as the fifth daughter to her parents. She weighed only 3 pounds when she was born, even though she was a full-term baby. Miss Amge stands 22.06...

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